Fulford School Drivers

  • It is VERY IMPORTANT that every pupil on Fulford School routes shows a pass for travel. If they do not have a pass you MUST send them back to school to obtain a temporary pass and RECORD THEIR NAMES on your daily sheet.
  • Drivers are asked to show COURTESYto residents of the Germany Beck housing development. There have been complaints of drivers driving in an inappropriate manner, at speed and/or not letting residents into or out of driveways.

Routes & Bus Stops – College Runs

Drivers of all school – and especially COLLEGE routes – are reminded that you MUST follow the details on your work tickets exactly at all times. It is especially important for York College and Askham Bryan College routes that you STOP AT EVERY BUS STOP both morning and night, even if you do not think there is anyone for that stop. There are a number of Special Educational Needs [SEN] students on these routes who have hidden disabilities that mean that they may not feel able to speak up if their stop is missed!

York College Routes

Drivers of all College Routes are advised that with effect from Monday 7th October 2024 York College are introducing a ‘No ticket, no travel’ policy. There are far too many students who are not paying for their travel and this places the continued viability of some services in jeopardy. So from this date if a student does not have a ticket drivers may, at their discretion, tell the student that the College have advised us that they cannot travel. Obviously use your own judgement, for example if a regular student one day has no credit, or a phone is flat etc then it could make sense to allow travel as usual and just record their name on the sheet, but if it’s a student who is repeatedly getting on without a ticket, or with a fake or void ticket, then the driver can refuse to let them on and record their name into the tablet for information.

First Group Travel Passes for York Pullman Employees

  • We can now apply for a travel pass for yourself, your partner and 2 dependants living at the same address to use other First services as an employee.
  • To apply, use the link on this email. On the form please select ‘First York’ as your ‘op co’. Which will allow you to select York Pullman as your depot. Your employee number is your payroll number found on your payslip but with three ‘0’s in front of your employee number to make a six-figure number. So, if your payroll number was 111. You would enter 000111.
  • A uestions please contact Adam or Phil at Rufforth office.