Negligent Damage to Vehicles

We are seeing far too many instances of DAMAGE being caused to vehicles and third- party property by carelessness on the part of the driver. This Company prides itself on vehicle presentation and its reputation is built on this but recently the cost of repairing damage caused by simple driver negligence is becoming excessive. We accept that accidents can happen occasionally but there is rarely an excuse for causing damage to your vehicle by striking a stationary object, such as a tree, grass banking or another vehicle! It would be appreciated if drivers would double their efforts to try to avoid any more cost to the Company in rectification of such un-necessary and expensive damage. This includes damage to third-party property, such as fences and grassed areas.

It is appreciated that this does not apply to the vast majority of the driving team who carry out their duties with great care and to those who have caused no damage to vehicles recently or at all, thank you for your continued care and diligence.

First Bus Travel – Staff Pass Entitlement

There has been some confusion over the entitlement of passes for York Pullman drivers, which I have now clarified and can confirm the arrangements as detailed below.

All York Pullman drivers are entitled to apply for a pass for themselves, one for a spouse or partner who lives permanently at the same address and, after three months’ of employment, one for up to two dependant children living permanently at the same address ages 5-18.

To apply, use the link on this email. On the form please select ‘First York’ as your ‘op co’. Which will allow you to select York Pullman as your depot.

Your employee number is your payroll number found on your payslip but with three ‘O’s in front of your employee number to make a six-figure number. So, if your payroll number was 111. You would enter 000111.

Any questions please contact Adam or Phil at Rufforth office.